Does my Fitbit calculate my calories properly? 

Well I’ve experienced both Fitbit & Apple watches and both of them are great fitness trackers. But are they accurate? Well I’ve got to amit I did find my Fitbit would say I was burning up to 4000 calories a day most days. Don’t forget I’m a personal trainer and will do long days from 8am-8pm plus I would workout hard for an hour in that day and some nights walk home from work that would take just over 20 minutes. But for 5ft 11ins weighing in at 11 stone. I did find this amount to be a good 1000 more than I was actually burning. As I know how to calculate my resting metabolic rate and can calculate my calorie intake that my body requires. The most dangerous thing with seeing calories burnt that you’ve not burning is you tend to eat more. But the thing is your not burning theses calories and if you if you think “Well I can have another biscui I’ve burnt some many calories” but you haven’t and over time you start gaining weight. So I would recommend finding out your resting metabolic rate and calculate your body weight and fat percent to find the calories you need to consume. And just you’se your Fitbit as a guide and motivation but not to rely on the actual calories you’ve burnt. Christian

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