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“Weights or cardio?” For most people who are training without a sport or event specific target in mind, i.e. someone who is training only to look good, and get generally fitter, stronger and healthier, there is only one answer for me: weights. One thing I will say, is that balance is very important. Sticking to weights or cardio exclusively won’t get you the best results. However, if you were to stick with only one, weights would be your best option. When you train, make the majority of your session weights based. Then try doing a related cardio ‘finisher’ at the END of your session. This way you’ll get the most out of your session and you’ll get the best of both worlds. So why should you do weights in order to lose fat and change your body shape, over doing the ‘holy trinity’ of what normal gym goers assume as best. The “I do 20mins on the treadmill, 20mins on the cross trainer and 20mins on the exercise bike” crowd are not people you should be taking health and fitness advice off. These people will never look any different to how they do now and they tend to be superb examples of the ‘all the gear but no idea’ stereotype. So, here are some reasons why you should prioritise weight training in your exercise regime: 1. It’s essential for fat loss. When you weight train, you’ll build lean muscle tissue. The more lean muscle tissue you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate is, therefore you’ll burn more calories across the day. This equates to more efficient fat loss. 2. It’s fun. There is an incredible amount of variations for lifting weights, means you’re unlikely to get bored. Unlike slogging it out on a bike or treadmill for ages and not seeing any results. 3. It’s time efficient. If you do solely cardio, you’ll have to exercise for longer to get any benefits as your body adapts to the stress your putting it under. Weight training will take the same amount of time as when you first start out. As you improve you can simply make the weights heavier, adjust the tempo/intensity of your workouts or incorporate supersets in order to get a great workout in the same period of time. 4. You’ll get stronger and more athletic. Weight training can help adapt the body to daily stresses and strains of everyday life. Carrying the shopping, walking the dog or going up the stairs will never have felt so easy. Plus, because you’re building muscle, you’ll also look more athletic, fitter and stronger than someone who spends hours a week just doing cardio. 5. You’ll feel great. As you get stronger, the weights you lift get heavier and your body shape changes, your confidence will go through the roof. Results are addictive, and once you weight train properly for a period of time, you’ll see the results and will wonder why on earth you ever wasted your time going to cardio classes or beating yourself up about hating going the gym and running for an hour. 6. It helps prevent injury. This is a factor that people who only do cardio need to understand as it will undoubtedly help them with their favoured exercises. When you lift weights, you also strengthen the ligaments and tendons that keep your body moving well on a daily basis. Strengthening your tendons and ligaments will help you continue to operate in peak condition and protect your body from injuries. So there you go. It’s very frustrating as personal trainers, who have clients best interests at heart, when people who have literally no idea what they are taking about preach to you about how they are doing this class or this exercise and it turns out all they are doing is glorified circuit training. Doing a few star jumps and some skipping won’t get you the body you want. Remember that. Make the right choice. Be all you can be. Sean


The definition of misinformation is: False or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive. This is especially relevant in today’s internet reliant world. The internet and social media is a wonderful thing. It allows us all access to an endless amount of information and knowledge, and also lets us keep up to date with our family and friends on a daily basis. However, a lot of what you read, watch or listen to online is complete rubbish. The fitness industry is no different. It’s full of misinformation. From poor lifestyle advice to false body images, to fitness ‘experts’ (who haven’t got a clue) to nutritional ‘specialists’ (they’re probably not), it’s like the wild west out there in the online fitness world. Nobody is perfect, least of all myself. But it’s becoming more and more common now for people to say “well I saw this on Instagram”, or a “fitness blogger said to do this”. Great. But how does that apply to you? ANSWER: It probably doesn’t. In some cases, these social media fitness ‘superstars’ are well educated, superb physical specimens with a wealth of knowledge and experiance, who give, honest useful information which will help the people who look up to them for advice or inspiration. These are the people you should be ‘following’, ‘liking’ or ‘subscribing’ to if that’s what you’re in to. In most cases however, people who are preaching online or giving out advice to anyone stupid enough to listen, are nothing short of con artists. They might be a ‘sponsored athlete’, ‘look good’ or do lots of ‘different’, ‘exciting’ exercises, but the reality is they are either just as clueless as the next person, or are deliberately trying to entice you into buying some kind of completely pointless product they are being ‘sponsored’ to sell. They often have no relevant qualifications, no experience of dealing with anybody but themselves, and will fill uninformed minds with false information in order for more ‘likes’ or ‘followers’. It’s embarrassing. Also, just because someone has a discount code for a product on their social media bio doesn’t mean it’s a worthwhile investment. In 99.9% of cases it will be a complete waste of your time. If you’ve got spare money to throw down the toilet, do that, instead of funding these people and the companies that are selling this utter garbage . Or, even better, give it to charity. At least then it’s going to a worthwhile cause and could make a big difference in the real world. So, when looking for advice or information on training, nutrition or generally leading a healthier lifestyle, look for real, genuine, qualified people with actual life experience and who only have YOUR best interests at heart. The chances are anyone else is wasting your time, money and effort. Rant over. Be all you can be. Sean

How do I lose belly fat faster?

Like all the answers when it comes to Fat Loss. Eat Less Move More! It’s as simple as that. Bonous answer don’t drink too many sugerary drinks that includes alcohol  I’m afaid not just for the added calories but the effect it has on your body’s digestive system. Merry Christmas

What are some benefits of lifting weights?

There are lots of benefits from lifting weight like increasing strength, building muscle. Building muscle will create lean muscle tissue that will give you a better resting metabolic rate. So at rest your body will burn more calories. You can also increase your fitness as lifting heavy weights in complex moves or compound movements will recruit a lot of your muscles increasing oxygen to your muscles giving not only a good pump but a good cardio workout. So there are loads of benefits to lifting weights ? Christian

How do you get bigger arms with bicep curls?

A question posed to me “How do you get bigger arms with bicep curls? Well Bicep curls wouldn’t be my go to exercise to get bigger arm or even biceps as my muscle part for bigger arms as tricep have three parts of the upper arm and biceps only two. So for bigger arms I would focus more on my triceps for bigger arms. But the question is bigger arms doing bicep curls? Well time under tension or negative work and lifting heavy with good form while doing bicep curls would most effect way to building bigger arms while doing bicep curls ? Christian

How can I get motivated to start exercising?

If you think you need to ask this question to yourself think why you’re asking? Do you need to exercise? What will I gain from exercising? And what will I not gain by exercising? I always ask a question in everything in life I should and to find the answer I look at the positives & negatives and if the positives out way the negative there’s your answer. So to help you. The positives of exercising is 1.Energised. 2 lose weight. 3 become stronger. 4 be healthier. 5 look better for doing it. 6 improve confidence. 7 be fitter. 8. More likely to live longer. There’s 8 could probably come up with more. Right for the negatives 1. Can’t think of any?  if you can come with 9 excuse not to then you may find why it’s hard to motivate yourself! If not what more motivation you need? Christian

The Workout & Nutrition Plan That Changed My Body In 12 Weeks

He it is like I promised the Workout Plan and nutrition plan I did and currently still doing. The Workout Plan consist of four weights workouts & ab training a week with two cardio sessions. So below will show you how that planed out over the a week. 1-6 Weeks Monday 5k run Tuesday Upper body Flat Bench press 10 reps of 3 sets Incline Dumbbell press 10 reps of 3 sets Pull ups 10 reps of 3 sets Bent over rows 15 reps of 3 sets Standing Overhead Press 10 reps of 3 sets Lateral raises 15 reps of 3 sets E-Z Bar curls 15 reps of 3 sets Close Grip Bench press 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Wednesday Lower Body Barbell Squat 10 reps of 3 sets Alternating lunges 20 reps of 3 sets Front Squat 10 reps of 3 sets Stiff Leg deadlift 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Thursday Upper body Incline Bench press 10 reps of 3 sets Flat Dumbbell press 10 reps of 3 sets Pull ups 10 reps of 3 sets Deadlifts reps of 3 sets Seated Overhead Press 10 reps of 3 sets Rear Delt Flys 15 reps of 3 sets Dumbell curls 15 reps of 3 sets Tricep pushdown (straight bar) 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Friday Lower Body Barbell Squat 10 reps of 3 sets Walking lunges 20 reps of 3 sets Split Squat 12 reps of 3 sets (each leg) Stiff Leg deadlift 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Saturday Rest Day Sunday 5k Run 6-12 weeks Monday 5k Run Tuesday Chest & Tricep Day Bench Press 10 reps of 3 sets Superset Incline bench press with Incline fly’s 10 reps of each doing 4 sets Flat Dumbbell Press 10 reps of 3 sets Dips 15 reps of 3 sets Close Bench Press 15 reps of 3 sets Tricep pulldown with rope 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Wednesday Leg Day Barbell Squat 10 reps of 3 sets Walking lunges 20 reps of 3 sets Front Squat 10 reps of 3 sets (each leg) Stiff Leg deadlift 15 reps of 3 sets Swiss Ball hamstring curls 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Thursday Back & Bicep Day Pull ups 10 reps of 3 sets Bent over row 15 reps of 3 sets Deadlift 8 reps of 3 sets Single arm row 15 reps of 3 sets (each arm) Chin ups 10 reps of 3 sets E-Z Curl 15 reps of 3 sets Incline Alternating Curls 20 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Friday Shoulders Day Overhead Press 10 reps of 3 sets Lateral Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Seated Shoulder Press 10 reps of 3 sets Cable front raises 15 reps of 3 sets Rear delt Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Abs cable crunch 12 reps of 3 sets Russian Twists 30 reps of 3 sets Ab rollout 10 reps of 3 sets Knee Raises 15 reps of 3 sets Hypertension 15 reps of 3 sets Saturday Day Off Sunday 5k Run Nutrition Plan Monday (Day Off Work) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Whatever?? 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn3:30pm Lean mince meat, Brown Rice and broccoli 8pm Chicken, jacket potato, broccoli 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate Tuesday (working day) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Salmon, Brown Rice and broccoli 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn3:30pm Lean mince meat, Brown Rice and broccoli 8pm Chicken, jacket potato, broccoli 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate Wednesday (working day) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Salmon, Brown Rice and broccoli 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn3:30pm Lean mince meat, Brown Rice and broccoli 8pm Chicken, jacket potato, broccoli 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate Thursday (working day) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Salmon, Brown Rice and broccoli 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn3:30pm Lean mince meat, Brown Rice and broccoli 8pm Chicken, jacket potato, broccoli 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate Friday (working day) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Salmon, Brown Rice and broccoli 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn3:30pm Lean mince meat, Brown Rice and broccoli 8pm Chicken, jacket potato, broccoli 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate Saturday (working day) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Salmon, Brown Rice and broccoli 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn8pm Whatever?? 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate Sunday (Day Off) 7am Porridge Oats with chopped dates & cashew nuts with water plus maple syrup 12pm Whatever?? 2pm Coffee and bag of proper popcorn8pm Whatever?? 9pm Decaf coffee with two squares of dark chocolate

How do I get toned legs?

To get toned legs you need to “SQUAT” as it’s one of the best movements can you do as they work all your major leg muscles like your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. What will also happen when you squat you will burn a lot of calories and being a compound movement working muituple muscle groups like your rectus abdominis. So the more muscles you work the more calories you’ll burn and being your legs are the largest muscle part of your body you’ll burn a lot. So for toned legs you’ll need to squat now there are loads of different ways you can squat but any squatting movement will help you tone your legs and with a good calorie burn and good healthy diet all this will lead to toned legs. Christian 

Does my Fitbit calculate my calories properly? 

Well I’ve experienced both Fitbit & Apple watches and both of them are great fitness trackers. But are they accurate? Well I’ve got to amit I did find my Fitbit would say I was burning up to 4000 calories a day most days. Don’t forget I’m a personal trainer and will do long days from 8am-8pm plus I would workout hard for an hour in that day and some nights walk home from work that would take just over 20 minutes. But for 5ft 11ins weighing in at 11 stone. I did find this amount to be a good 1000 more than I was actually burning. As I know how to calculate my resting metabolic rate and can calculate my calorie intake that my body requires. The most dangerous thing with seeing calories burnt that you’ve not burning is you tend to eat more. But the thing is your not burning theses calories and if you if you think “Well I can have another biscui I’ve burnt some many calories” but you haven’t and over time you start gaining weight. So I would recommend finding out your resting metabolic rate and calculate your body weight and fat percent to find the calories you need to consume. And just you’se your Fitbit as a guide and motivation but not to rely on the actual calories you’ve burnt. Christian

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